On the evening of February 3, on Zoom SLC Faculty Local 417 will have a demand-setting meeting. Per our constitution, every local must have a meeting to discuss the Collective Agreement, any issues or concerns and then come up with demands that must be ranked and then submitted to our Division Executive and Bargaining Team.

The Bargaining Team will be meeting on April 9 and 10 to select and rank the demands that will then form our demands for the next round of bargaining that will commence in May/June.

We will send the Zoom link approximately 12 hours prior to the meeting. Please ensure that you have signed up for the SLC Faculty Local 417 email list here to receive further communication as we move forward.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact any member of the Local Union Executive. Our contact information is available at www.slcfaulty.ca


The Zoom link will be sent out via email to the SLC Faculty Local 417 email list in the Friday email digest. Please contact christina.decarie@slcfaculty.ca if you would like the Zoom information sent directly to you before then.