Letter Rejecting CEC Offer – French
Questions about your Standard Workload Form? Bring them to members of the SWF subcommittee. When? Thursday, November 26, 7:00pm to 8:00pm Where? Via Zoom Get the zoom meeting information here. Find the Zoom link information in Friday's email digest. If you would like to get notifications about up-coming meetings, please sign up for [...]
Questions about your Standard Workload Form? Bring them to members of the SWF subcommittee. When? Tuesday, November 24, 7:00pm to 8:00pm Where? Via Zoom Get the zoom meeting information here. Find the Zoom link information in Friday's email digest. If you would like to get notifications about up-coming meetings, please sign up for [...]
Opening remarks Thank you for all those joining us. I am going to go through the statement of respect and then start the meeting by going over a few notes I’ve made. We will post the notes on the new website and on the Facebook page after. Speaking of the new website, if you [...]
Bring your thoughts, concerns, and questions to this informal chat with stewards and members of the Local Executive Committee. If you would like to get notifications about up-coming meetings, please sign up for our mailing list. When? Monday, November 16, 7:00pm Where? Via Zoom Get the zoom meeting information here. [...]